Southwest Academy School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Southwest Academy School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Via friendly-fire


Anonymous said...

I don't recommend teaching at this school. They treat their teachers poorly and are extremely draconian. 4 out of the 6 teachers who taught there this year (2008-2009) had major issues with the school's administration.

12345678 said...
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Anonymous said...

I do recommend teaching at this school! I taught there from 2007-2008 and had an excellent experience. Teaching, anywhere, takes a strong passion. Don't expect to have modern conveniences (although you will have some) and things will be alright. The curriculum for teaching isn't perfectly well outlined which makes things stressful at times but teaching was fun. It's the administrations job to make sure the teachers are keeping things up to par. I would recommend it to anyone looking to work hard and push their limits.

Rachel Rouge said...

I also taught here 2007-2008 (that's me in the bottom photo in my teacher's lab coat). I found living and working in Ethiopia hard. It's not an easy county for someone used to the levels of health, cleanliness, organisation and freedom that we enjoy in the developed world.

However, while I was there I learnt to look at life differently, I learnt an appreciation of what we take for granted and I learnt how to teach. I found the school to be incredibly supportive and open to ideas and change.

The Ethiopian school system is very different from what we are used to, It has been likened to a 1950 style. However all foreign teachers are free to teach in the way that they feel most comfortable.

I also recommend teaching at South West Academy. it's not all sunshine and rainbows (although there is a lot of both). It's best for people with a can-do attitude who are highly motivated and are hard workers.

for my boring old blog from my time at South West Academy go to: - note: the posts June 2007-June 2008 while in was in Ethiopia are sporadic because blogs (like this one) are censored by the government.


Unknown said...

I worked as an English Communication teacher at South West Academy during the 2008/9 school year. It was really an excellent experience, trying at times but also so, so rewarding. The spirit among teachers and administrators in the school is actually very supportive - I could always ask for help with a problem, such as an unruly student, and the administrators would immediately assist. I never felt like I was left on my own, and that was an enormous comfort. Likewise, there's a real spirit of friendship and cooperation amongst the teachers. The school takes teachers seriously and the workload can seem heavy at times, but the result is that you feel like you have really produced something and contributed to the school and to Ethiopia. Even more than working at the school (which was great), I loved living in Lafto, in Addis Abeba, and in Ethiopia. Such a beautiful country, intriguing at every turn. I totally recommend it.

yohannes said...


feven l said...

i used to go to this school when i was in ethiopia. it was a very good school with great teachers. i have been to 5 schools and this was one of the best.

yonathan zemene 7 greader said...

i have been at south for 3 years i found it the best place to make frends and familiar teachers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would like to leave a great comment like every other person but as a person with a brain I hardly believe learning there was a delight. F.Y.I. don't go there it's like a commercial for things that look awesome but really its not.
NB- Your welcome for saving you the pain of finding it on your own. 0:-)

Anonymous said...

It is good school I ever seen. I am learning this school from 2010 till today.I recommend parents to teach their child here in swa

Unknown said...

I learnt there for 9 years and I honestly don't have any regrets. It's a place where I grew to become a responsible person. Although it's not bed of roses, the teaching learning environment, the teachers,the students and the other staff members tought me a little bit about life and how to face the challenges the future might bring. Swa isn't perfect but just like us students it's learning and improving time after time. If u r looking for a school which focuses on decipline,academic excellence and individual responsibility then check out this school. I owe what I am today to this school.
N. J

Unknown said...

I learnt there for 9 years and I honestly don't have any regrets. It's a place where I grew to become a responsible person. Although it's not bed of roses, the teaching learning environment, the teachers,the students and the other staff members tought me a little bit about life and how to face the challenges the future might bring. Swa isn't perfect but just like us students it's learning and improving time after time. If u r looking for a school which focuses on decipline,academic excellence and individual responsibility then check out this school. I owe what I am today to this school.
N. J

Anonymous said...

south west is the best school in ethiopia

Anonymous said...

the worst school dont ever learn their